Office order of maternity benefit relating to Bangladesh EPZ Labour Act 2019

Bangladesh has about eight running EPZ's in different areas and one ongoing EPZ project. Bangladesh government published Bangladesh EPZ Labour Act 2019. Gradually BEPZA published an office order on 4 February 2020 in Bengali version only. English version is not published yet.

The office order of maternity benefit relating to Bangladesh EPZ Labour Act 2019 is translated into ENGLISH in good faith; not for creating any confusion under this Act, rules, regulations, administrative orders and directions. Translation is just for an idea, it may have lac of legal & official words of Bangladesh EPZ labour Act 2019.

You may go to the following link for office order relating to Bangladesh EPZ Labour Act 2019 both Bengali & English version

 Office order of EPZ Act_ML_Bengali

 Office order of EPZ Act_ML_English











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